Sunday, 22 June 2014

We're Finally on the Map

We're pleased to announce...

The brand new Map UI!

This is the last of the main graphical UIs, which means that we're just about done the overall UI :)

While this is obviously a demo map, it shows the general look and feel that we're aiming for. We're planning to keep the same style, but add in a lot more areas.

We copied the style of some old maps, and threw in a little 'Thule' style. We hope you like it!

As you may have noticed, there is an indicator to display where key characters currently reside. We're hoping that between this, the journal, and the dialogue, you will have an easy time keeping track of where all of your favourite characters are.

We hope that you enjoy the map, and look forward to sharing more of our progress!

All the Best,



  1. I'd love to be a patron but maybe post an alpha testing or videos so i can see some progress or how the game works picture just aren't enough for me.

    1. I was looking for some good adult projects on Patreon and this game catched my eyes, I'm checking on it everyday since then to see how it progress and like i said above i probably i'd love to be a patron but i'm not the type to give 1 or 5 bucks for a project so i'm really really looking forward to see how it progress.

  2. Well keep watching, and hopefully you'll like what you see!

    At this point, we're both spending most of our free time working on Days of Ragnarok, but we don't want to rush anyone into supporting us before they're sure about what we're doing.

    When and if the time comes, we'd love to have each and every one of our supporters as Patrons -- but we appreciate all of your non-monetary support in the meantime :)

    All the best,

    SpaceTea and LadyStripes
