Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Introducing, the Status UI!

Now that the game is a lot more developed, and we’ve had to implement the stats as part of making the game playable, we thought it was about time that the stats actually showed up somewhere...

Therefore, we have put together the first draft of the User Interface responsible for showing you the character’s current status – the Status UI!

Along with showing the main stats (health, energy, and arousal), the status UI shows a variety of stats that were otherwise only mentioned in SpaceTea’s programming. These are divided into combat stats (in green), agility stats (in blue), and sexual stats (in red).

Combat Stats

The combat stats are relatively straightforward, with only five stats.

Strength is the base power of your attacks, and contributes to dealing damage and causing the enemies to stagger.

Endurance is how quickly physical tasks drain energy, as well as your overall supply of energy.

Armour is the current combined value of all armour items.

Sword Damage is the damage inflicted by the character’s sword. The minimum is shown in green, and the range from minimum to maximum is shown as a blue section beyond that.

Shield Strength is the amount of damage that the character’s shield can take (in one hit) without shattering.

Agility Stats

Agility is the ability of the character to recover from staggers without falling, as well as the ability to dodge and do other activities which involve balance.

Dexterity is the accuracy of the character’s attacks, as well as their ability to do fine-motor tasks (like picking locks).

Attack, Block, and Dodge Speeds are just that: They represent the amount of time that an action takes to complete.

Sexual Stats

First, you’ll notice that Sigrid is a fertile virgin in this shot, which is how she always starts off. The game keeps track of virginity (both anal and vaginal) and has a relatively complex fertility cycle and impregnation system, which will all be discussed further.

As far as the other sexual stats, the system relies on the conflict between three forces: Conscious desire, subconscious desire, and physical gratification.

Consciously, the character has a certain willingness to engage in sexual acts. This is augmented by psychological factors (which aren’t displayed to the player), and various with the type of sex act and the partner. The base value of this force is the Willingness stat.

Subconsciously, the character has sexual desires that build with time and exposure to sexual situations. This manifests overall as the Arousal stat.

In the game, the character will only be able to overpower their base desires with their conscious decisions to the degree relative to their Willpower stat.

The last force is the Stimulation stat, which is a representation of the physical stimulation of the character’s body. At the same time as Willpower sharpens the will and makes conscious desires more powerful, Stimulation clouds the mind and makes base desires more potent. When stimulation reaches its precipice, the character reaches an orgasmic state of base need.

Finally, you probably noticed the reputation near the top; the reputation will be specific to the area that the character is currently in, and will show how the inhabitants of a specific area feel towards the character. Our hope is that this will not only unlock a number of special scenes and other side-content, but will serve as a general indicator of how the main plot is progressing within a particular area.

We hope you enjoyed seeing the new Status UI, and we’re excited to show off the Inventory and Map UIs in the next few days!

All the Best, LadyStripes and SpaceTea, The Days of Ragnarok Team


  1. I'm checking your blog everyday, this game looks like its gonna be damn good. Looking forward to it.

  2. look amazing already !
    keep it up ;D

  3. Very excited for this! I'm confident that once you get out a working build of the game you'll gain more momentum in followers and financial backers. Keep it up!!!!

  4. Wow, we really appreciate all of your support! :)

    Doing a project like this has really cut into our free time outside of work, but your encouragement and all the support we're receiving has definitely made all of that effort worthwhile.

    Thank you!

  5. This does seem quite promising.
