Saturday 3 May 2014

Norse Vikings? Sounds Like a Game to Me...

With all the Viking content out there, we thought that we should start work on a Norse-themed game.  While I've never been hugely concerned with fads, I feel that the whole Viking culture is a gold mine for storylines -- both everyday and mythical.

Therefore, without further ado, I bring you Days of Ragnarok.

The game will feature a strong female lead, whose mission will massively alter the fate of Thule.

Why does the game feature a Shieldmaiden?  Well, a couple of reasons.

First of all, LadyStripes and I agree that there just aren't enough female lead characters in video games.  Sure, there are a handful.  Samus Aran comes to mind, as well as a few others, but the list isn't exactly a long one.  We'd like to contribute to the selection of powerful female characters in video games, adult or otherwise.

Second, Lagertha is really hot.  That would be a good incentive coming from me, but since LadyStripes agrees (quite strongly), it was more than enough reason to create a feisty Shieldmaiden of our own.

Look forward to some concept art, as well as interface design and some steamy teaser scenes!

Yours truly,


P.S. All the promos so far:

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